Naos components are deployable as containerised web services controlled through REST APIs and enable automation using a wide range of programming languages such as Python, Java, C#, and C++.

Naos APIs expose resources, objects, and methods providing access to radio network data, geographic data, propagation models, coverage prediction calculations, and more. Naos APIs enable operators to connect network planning, design, and optimisation tasks into cohesive automated workflows.
Naos Software Development Kit (SDK)
The Naos SDK contains OpenAPI definitions for developers to automatically create Naos client components using tools like Swagger Editor.
Naos is available as containerised web services, which can be easily deployed on development servers or workstations as standalone components or fully orchestrated elements using Kubernetes and/or Docker Swarm.
The figure below provides an overview of how different client applications can use the REST API to automate radio network planning and optimisation tasks using Naos.

Further information about Naos: